Family and Wedding Photographer
hey friend
I’m Amanda
You may have assumed, and if you haven’t- let me tell you- I am a fireball. When I am passionate, or happy, or mad, or annoyed, you know. It’s very hard for me to hide my feelings. My friends describe me as a bubbly and open personality who has tenacity, resiliency, and strength. I like to say that I am an introverted-extrovert.
I have been a full time photographer for 14 years and have moved businesses three times now. I started in Florida in 2009, moved to Maryland in 2011, back to Florida in 2017, and landed here in California in May 2020. A whirlwind is a good way to describe it! So happy to have had such different areas to photograph such amazing clients and friends.
When I was a little girl, my favorite thing to do at my grandparents' home was to sift through photo albums that I would find in the closet. I would stare at faces of family and friends of the family that I never got to know or meet and wonder who they were and if their personalities matched their demeanor in the photo. Several years later when I started college as a Marine Biology major and subsequently quit that program, I left feeling a little lost as to what I should be doing.
Remembering the feeling I got looking at photos so many years before, I felt a tug at my heart and I wondered if I could be the maker of those images. To give a piece of wonder and a sense of time and feeling to those looking at them. Thus began my college career into photography and a couple years later, delving right into my own business. It’s not easy being a photographer or an entrepreneur in itself, but it’s a dream come true for me and that brings me overwhelming happiness.
Thanks for joining me in this dream!
“Your life is anything but boring. Capture the fun, the calm, and the storm; all those moments
that add up to love”
The best things in my life are first and foremost, my boys.
Everything after that is pretty simple. That first cup of coffee in the morning, a quiet coffee shop to work in, hiking in the early morning hours and seeing an overview of this beautiful place I get to call home, a drink with friends, a day at Disney, or laughing so hard I cry while playing a ridiculous card game. Those are the moments that I enjoy and appreciate the most. I am doing my best to find the joy and beauty in everything.
What makes me happy